Silicone Seals for Quick Fit Clips

Whilst our ducting is perfect for small businesses, in that it is relatively inexpensive, light and easy to fit, industries like coffee roasting or brewing have been left out.
The temperature of the exhaust fumes is generally too high to be compatible with our nitrile lined Quick Fit Clips.
However, with the introduction of a new silicone seal, they now work perfectly in such applications.
Rated up to 240oC, our silicone lined clips are perfect for businesses looking to install an hot exhaust system or upgrade their current one to maximise efficiency and minimise down time from replacing melted seals.
The seals themselves also come installed from the factory, meaning the time-consuming job of sticking them is already done for you.
They provide an excellent leak free fit, keeping the air of your workplace clean and safe. With a range of accessories and the option for custom items (where possible), our ducting can be adapted to fit almost any roaster or machine out there.
Our clip together design also means that cleaning the duct is far easier than other duct designs and can be done without the need to hire specialist cleaners, often an expensive outlay.

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