Nordfab Ducting Co-sponsors Webinar: Simple, Proven Methods to Ensure Your Dust Collection System Controls Your Dust Emissions

Nordfab Ducting is proud to have sponsored another Dust Collection Webinar presented by Powder & Bulk Solids magazine.

Webinar Details
Speaker: Jack Osborn, Senior Project Engineer, Airdusco Engineering and Design Services, LLC
Moderator: Kevin Cronin, Editor in Chief, Powder, Bulk and Solids

Title: Simple, Proven Methods to Ensure Your Dust Collection System Controls Your Dust Emissions 
Synopsis: Too often dust collection systems are considered mystical, ineffective, and a waste of capital and maintenance expense.  Yet, common sense does apply even to dust collection systems. This presentation will offer the attendee proven methods to either improve your existing system or to assure your new system does what it is designed to accomplish, control dust emissions. One hour of your time will give you the knowledge needed to achieve this goal.

WATCH ON DEMAND by clicking the link below:

Click here to watch the webinar. 



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