Nordfab manufactures a large range of dampers to suit every application. Our dampers are supplied in galvanized, mild or stainless steel and many are available ex-stock. Dampers can be fitted with pneumatic or electric actuators for automatic operation. All dampers come standard with our ends for quick assembly using Nordfab clamps. Sealed slide dampers also available from 80 mm to 300 mm diameter.
Nordfab offers the following dampers:
Air Vents are used as an in line bleed damper.
The overhead damper is used in over head lines that cannot be reached from ground level. It is designed to operate on a chain or cord.
The butterfly damper is designed to control the volume of air passing through a duct. Comes with a lockable quadrant.
The rose end is mostly used in the milling industry as a bleed damper.
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